Google Checkout Blog

Bringing Checkout to an e-commerce provider near you

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We know merchants want fast, simple process for integrating Google Checkout with their websites, and one of the easiest ways to get integrated with Checkout is through one of our many e-commerce provider partners. We're committed to giving merchants a wide range of these providers to choose from, which is why there's a new incentive program that gives existing "storefront solution" providers even stronger incentives to integrate their platforms with Google Checkout.

Here are a few of the benefits for those of who are e-commerce providers:

1. One year of payment for every merchant you sign up plus a percentage of these merchants' Google Checkout sales.
2. Bonuses for integrating with Checkout (you can even earn an extra bonus for integrating before September 30th).
3. Free marketing exposure to merchants seeking e-commerce providers integrated with Google Checkout.

To get started, just apply for the program. And if you're a merchant that wants your e-commerce provider to integrate with Checkout, let them know we're ready to help. Simply point them here today.