Google Checkout Blog

Additional users: The more, the merrier

Friday, February 15, 2008

We've been hearing from our merchants that they'd like to be able to add more users to existing accounts, and to set the account privileges for those new users. Today we're taking the first steps toward enabling that kind of functionality, by making it possible for account administrators to add multiple users to their Google Checkout accounts while still maintaining sole control of important account and payment-related information.

Additional users will be
able to view order-related information in your account, perform order searches, and view your order inbox. However, these users will not be able to take any actions on the orders, view payments, or modify account settings.

To invite new users, simply log in to Google Checkout and click "Settings" on the top navigation. Then, on the left-hand side, click "Users." From this screen you'll be able to send invitations to your employees.