Google Checkout Blog

From the field:

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 fills a golf equipment niche by providing personalized golf balls, bags, shirts, caps, clubs, and much more. We are very dedicated to website usability and the overall customer experience.

Google Checkout has been a great complement to our goals by providing a safe, secure, and most importantly, a very usable checkout option for our customers. We've seen that visitors who use Google Checkout convert at a significantly higher rate than our own checkout. The addition of the Google Checkout badge to our AdWords campaign has resulted in an increased CTR and a decreased average CPC. Our visitors seem to place a higher level of trust and confidence with us because of the badge. Customer experience aside, the savings we've experienced in credit card transaction fees have been very significant and is always a welcome addition to our P&L. When our finance department is happy, we are happy.

Overall, Google Checkout has exceeded our expectations, both in the customer experience it offers and in its reliability. We look forward to working with Google Checkout this holiday season and well into the future.